Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tried to be sexy through photoshop failed!!!( photos)

Forget silly things like human anatomy and the laws of physics. When it comes to Photoshop, reality needn’t apply – just clone, rotate, skew, blur and hope nobody notices.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.
Tried to Be Sexy Through Fotoshop. Failed.


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